Together, We’re Giving Children Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly

NV-AIECMH is the only statewide professional association to support, train, and connect the cross-sector workforce that supports and promotes the healthy development of children from the prenatal period through age six. Our members are devoted to nurturing and empowering the future generation by creating a strong foundation for infants, very young children, and their adult caregivers to develop strong relationships that promote well-being and lifelong success. 

Support • Train • Connect

Infant Early Childhood Endorsement (IECMH-E®) is based upon internationally recognized competencies designed to support and enhance culturally humble, relationship-focused practice. Endorsed professionals report their competencies developed through education, work experience, specialized training, and reflective supervision experiences.

For Professionals

Photo of woman holding a small child and talking to a doctor in the doctor's office. The child is smiling and holding a teddy bear

We’re Creating a Better State of Wellbeing

Working with Nevada’s youngest residents requires specialized training, experience, and ultimately, endorsement. Our programs and endorsement process ensure that working professionals attain a high level of expertise, leading to improved competency, career advancement and networking.

Caregivers & Parents

Dedicated to your child’s future.

We’re committed to promoting healthy growth in the social and emotional development of infants and young children by helping caregivers and parents recognize, understand and support the social and emotional development in their children’s lives.

How we make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Orange Arrow pointing to the right

Thee round color photos with bright orange and yellow borders. One shows an elderly white woman holding a baby outdoors. The other shows a black man holding a small child how is touch his face. The third shows a smiling Asian 5 year-old girl with pigtails and a colorful dress.
Thee round color photos with bright orange and yellow borders. One shows an elderly white woman holding a baby outdoors. The other shows a black man holding a small child how is touch his face. The third shows a smiling Asian 5 year-old girl with pigtails and a colorful dress.


We offer comprehensive resources to help professionals, caretakers, parents and supporters in their journey to learn more about endorsement and infant and young child social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Round blue icon with white drawing of pencil, papers, and magnifying glass


Round blue icon with white drawing of papers and charts


Round blue icon with white drawing of book with bookmark


Round blue icon with white drawing of man standing in front of a group pointing to a chart on a screen in front of them.


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Your donation helps to train, connect, and support.

All contributions to NV-AICMH directly support the professionals who promote the healthy development of Nevada’s youngest families, their infants and very young children. Your donation helps to train, connect, and support the infant and early childhood workforce throughout the state to ensure Nevada’s babies and their families have the support they need right from the very beginning.

Photo of two young women, one white and one African American, holding a small child.

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